March 18, 2020
To our clients, prospective clients, and colleagues:
We wanted to personally connect with you about the actions we’re taking to ensure the health and safety of everyone, while keeping projects moving forward and supporting our entire community.
Cinergy Construction has placed coronavirus safeguards in effect in order to stay open and keep operating safely. Staff who can work at home are remaining put and working remotely. On-site workers have been briefed on maintaining safe separation and handwashing, and they have been instructed to stay home if they believe they may have been exposed to the coronavirus or if they have any signs of illness.
To minimize in-person meetings, our sales staff and management are available to speak with existing or prospective clients by email, text, phone, or group calls and screenshare technology. If in-person or on-site meetings are necessary, we will follow all recommended safety precautions.
Health is paramount, but the need for business to continue is important as well. We are here to keep your projects moving forward while taking every precaution to serve you safely.
As we are proceeding cautiously with our ongoing construction work, now is a good time to reach out to us if you want to discuss future plans for a renovation, addition, or new construction. We are available to discuss your plans and begin mapping out a schedule and preparations so that once life returns to a more normal state, your project will be first in line for implementation. We will work with you to minimize lost time due to the coronavirus situation and keep moving forward in a positive direction.
Our hearts go out to everyone who has been impacted by this worldwide crisis, and we hope that you and yours will stay safe and healthy.

Greg Francis